Pupil Premium

2021-22 Review of Pupil Premium Grant at Kettlewell

2022-24 Kettlewell Pupil Premium Strategy

2020-21 allocation of pupil premium grant at Kettlewell

At Kettlewell  Primary School, we have been allocated £4,690 for the academic year 2020-2021 A Three Year Pupil Premium Strategy Plan will  be put in place for 2020-2023 in line with the latest government guidance.

2019-20 review of pupil premium grant at Kettlewell

IMPACT of pupil premium spending for 2019 – 2020 Increased confidence evident for children who are part of smaller learning groups. CT and TA deployed according to needs of children TA interventions demonstrate progress towards ARE ; individual spelling programme delivered by TA showed improvements with some evidence of improved spelling in everyday writing Handwriting –cursive script…

2018-19 review of pupil premium grant at Kettlewell

At Kettlewell Primary School, we were allocated £4,600 for the academic year 2018 – 2019. We used this funding to support the needs of the current eligible children; due to small numbers, summary of barriers to educational achievement can be reported face to face by the EHT’s and/or Base Leader. The funding was  allocated in…