2019-20 review of pupil premium grant at Kettlewell
IMPACT of pupil premium spending for 2019 – 2020
- Increased confidence evident for children who are part of smaller learning groups. CT and TA deployed according to needs of children
- TA interventions demonstrate progress towards ARE ; individual spelling programme delivered by TA showed improvements with some evidence of improved spelling in everyday writing
- Handwriting –cursive script more consistent in handwriting practise; variable transition to everyday writing. Improvements in speed of writing during class lessons. Increased confidence resulting in an eagerness to write and experiment more imaginatively with content of work
- Specialist teacher in maths helped to increase challenge and number of children working at GD. Boosted the confidence of children in their own ability to reason and problem solve. Increase in self-esteem and willingness to learn
- Visible increase in children’s enjoyment of school life inside and outside the classroom, due to improved confidence resulting from increased success and progress with learning
- Opportunities to liaise and work with other agencies has helped to improve staff’s knowledge of specific needs of children and therefore influenced classroom practise.
- Improved three- way dialogue between school, home and agencies
- Inclusive opportunities available to pupils, which enabled a broader experience both academically, socially and emotionally