
The Inclusion Team in the Upper Wharfedale Primary Federation is a skilled group of professionals who pride themselves with ensuring that each child has the tools to establish themselves as independent, community minded individuals and ultimately, that they flourish.

As outlined in our core values, our wonderfully rich curriculum helps to develop a broad range of skills, ensuring that every child finds enrichment and has an opportunity to shine. Children with a special educational need are encouraged and supported in their endeavours and often find that they have the right mind-set and a developing skillset in order to enjoy success in one area or another.

We aim to equip each child in readiness for the challenges they may encounter. We recognise that, for some children, the challenges that they are faced with mean that they need additional targeted support.  We therefore work closely with families and, if needed, professional bodies in order to properly support each child.  We encourage active participation from all those involved. We firmly believe that with right and timely support and guidance, each child is able to progress and be proficient to tackle the challenges that life presents.

The Inclusion Team works closely together:

  • Miss. Oakes (Federation SENDCo)
  • Mrs Blair (Federation SENDco)
  • Mrs Greenwood (Pupil Premium and Attendance Lead)
  • Michelle Brambleby (Pastoral Support Officer)
  • Sarah Vetch (Pastoral support Officer)
  • Each of our schools has a designated safeguarding leader who also work closely with the Inclusion Team.
  • Mrs Blair (Burnsall), Mrs Taylor(Cracoe), Mrs Steeples (Grassington), Miss Oakes (Kettlewell) Miss Thompson is lead DSL across the Federation
  • Our deputy designated safeguarding leaders are: Mrs Greenwood


Special Educational Needs and Disability

Find out how we identify children with SEND and the provision that we put in place to help meet their needs.

Who to speak to

 May Blair & Jo Oakes are federation SENDCOs (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators) and can be contacted via: for May for Jo

If you have any questions about SEND then please do not hesitate to come into school and speak to May or Jo.


The SEND Information Report has been written as a response to the Local Offer and this outlines what we provide as a school to all children with an identification of SEND.

What is the local offer?

North Yorkshire County Council has published their local offer for children and families from 0-25. This outlines what is available for children and young people with SEND in our Local Authority.

All schools are required to provide information to parents on how to seek additional support beyond that which is ‘normally available’ for their child.

The main aim of the local offer is to enable families to see readily the support they can expect locally without having to struggle to find the information.


Pastoral Support

We pride ourselves on being a nurturing Federation. We know our children well and we can pick up when things are not right. Mrs Brambleby and Miss Vetch are the pastoral leaders for the federation. Part of their role includes promoting children’s social and emotional well-being and running specific interventions such as nurture groups or social skills groups.

If a child needs additional support with their emotional health and wellbeing we will offer a specific intervention with the pastoral support officers. In addition to this, we also buy into a counselling service for children who are dealing with trauma. For the past two years, we have also  been part of the North Yorkshire mental health and well-being group – Compass Buzz. All our staff have received training through Compass Buzz.

Daily or weekly check-ins are an important part of the pastoral care that we offer and are part of the Restorative Approaches that we follow. Each teacher will check-in with all children and sometimes parents during the morning. Class teachers or teaching assistants will follow up with any children who may need further support.

Children are made aware they can come and talk to any member of staff to discuss issues they may be experiencing. All school staff will always listen, comfort and work together with the child and families to ensure a positive outcome.

Ladder of Intervention Link​